symplr Leadership Assessment: As a Hiring Manager or Recruiter

Hiring managers and recruiters are the users who make the most use of the Leadership Assessment system. They have a bevy of options at their disposal to invite potential candidates to complete an assessment, assign and conduct interviews, and record their own evaluations and recommendations.

These users may also make comparisons between the assessments of multiple candidates via the Dashboard page, or invite new candidates to take the Leadership Assessment survey by working in the Invitations page.

The Leadership Assessment Dashboard pre-scores candidates by Job Family and allows users to quickly view the Competency scores for the Leadership Assessment. The Dashboard provides:

  • An easy to use view of Competency scores for selected candidates.
  • The ability to quickly and efficiently sort a group of selected candidates by name or competency scores; allowing a user to list candidates according to the relative importance of the various Competencies to the selection process for a specific position or for development and succession planning.
  • Quick links for generating Leadership Assessment Feedback Reports from the Leadership Assessment Dashboard in order to provide more specific information on a candidate's scores relative to the norm of candidates for a specific Job Family.