Job Families

A job family is a classification of work skills, personality traits, and competencies used in assessments. They help distinguish which candidates are an optimal fit for a position based on their assessment responses. When a report is generated, the scores given for the candidate’s answers may vary based on the selected job category.

After the candidate takes their assessment, the answers provided can also be used to measure their adequacy for any other roles. Since each job family has its own set of "ideal" responses, what equates as a good score for one role may not necessarily translate to another. So a candidate's responses may indicate they are a great fit for a Nurse Manager role, but may reveal — when scored on another job family's criteria, using the very same assessment's answers — they are less-suited for a Technical or Director position.

Job families fall under two main categories (Front Line and Leader) with each containing more specific roles.

Front Line categories include:

  • Charge Nurse
  • Nurse Supervisor
  • Supervisor

Leader categories include:

  • Technical
  • Nurse Manager
  • Manager
  • Director
  • Executive