NetCompetency reports
NetCompetency provides a comprehensive and customizable set of reports, detailing all aspects of learner competency progress, problems and completions.
The Competency Completion report provides the ability to track Learner's completed competencies, as well as upcoming and past due assignments.
Report options
Due Date Range to be considered for report | Select the date or date range that should be reflected in the report. Use the calendar tools beside the date fields to assist with the selection. Check the box next to "All Dates" to have the report include all dates for which data is available. |
Group By |
Select a grouping level from this section to dictate the primary level of organization that should be reflected in the report. You may select Competency, Organization/Department, Job Title or People Group. Tip: Selecting to organize the report by Competency will allow for you to select a further grouping from the Detail criteria in the Contents section. Tip: If you wish to report on an entire Organization, select Organization/Department in this section, and then select all departments available within that Organization. |
Contents |
In the Contents section, select the level of detail that should be included in the report.
The Competency Groups report provides statistics, assignments and completions for active competency groups, arranged according to individual Learner assignments. Use it to provide a tracking device for the on-going assignment and organization of competencies in your system.
Report options
Use the Locate filter to find competencies groups to include in the report.
The Competency List Report provides an organized view of the competencies in your system, including all corresponding skills, validators, and validation methods.
The Remedial Action report displays information about Learners that require remedial action. This report can be organized by either Learner or Competency needing remedial action. The report displays the Competency Title, Skill needing action, Name of Learner with incomplete skill, date a skill could not be verified, the name of the Validator that took action on the skill, and Remedial Action needed to verify the skill.
Report options
Due Date range to be considered for report |
Select a Date Range within which the skills marked for remedial action were due. Use the calendar tool to right of each text box to select dates or type dates directly into each field. Select the checkbox next to All Dates to include all dates for which there is activity. |
Group By | Select the radio button next to Learners to produce a report organized primarily by the Learners whose assignments have been marked for remedial action. The results can be further narrowed by making selections of specific Learners in the Available Learners section above. |
Validator | Select the name of a Validator from the drop down menu to show only the actions taken only by that Validator. Select or leave the selection at All to have the system disregard the Validator and display all. |
The Remedial Action History Report Contains information similar to that reported through the Remedial Action report, but includes information on any remedial action that ever occurred for the selected learner or competency.
You may set the report to display Remedial Action History grouped by Learner or by Competency, and may select specific validators for the report. If no validator is selected, the report will include all available for the competencies and learners selected.
Report options
Due Date range to be considered for report |
Select a Date Range within which the skills marked for remedial action were due. Use the calendar tool to right of each text box to select dates or type dates directly into each field. Select the checkbox next to All Dates to include all dates for which there is activity. |
Group By | Select the radio button next to Learners to produce a report organized primarily by the Learners whose assignments have been marked for remedial action. The results can be further narrowed by making selections of specific Learners in the Available Learners section above. |
Validator | Select the name of a Validator from the drop down menu to show only the actions taken only by that Validator. Select or leave the selection at All to have the system disregard the Validator and display all. |
The Supervisor Report provides a report that is used to track Learner competencies. This report displays Completed and In Process competencies. The information can be arranged according to competency or Learner, and can include a detailed or summarized account of competencies.
Report options
Due Date range to be considered for report |
Select a Date Range within which the skills marked for competencies you would like to select for the report are due. Use the calendar tool to right of each text box to select dates or type dates directly into each field. Select the checkbox next to All Dates to include all dates for which there is activity. |
Group By |
Select the radio button next to Learner to produce a report organized primarily by the Names of the Learners who have active or completed assignments. Select the radio button next to Competency to produce a report organized primarily by Competencies. |
Contents | Select whether you would like the report to display a Summary of the data for all competencies selected, or if you would like the report to list statistics in Detail, including specific Learners/Competencies. |
This report displays a list of competencies that have been completed, giving a sense of Learner progression through assignments, or assignments completed or neglected.
The report displays assignments according to the status (Completed, In Process, Past Due or All statuses). The report can be organized by Learner or Competency, and displays Validator, Validation Method, Verification Date, Assignment Date, and Validation date, (or date action was taken upon a skill/competency). The data displayed is further narrowed by selections made in the Available Learner and Competency selection sections.
Report options
Due Date range to be considered for report |
Select a Date Range which contains the due dates of the competencies that will be included in the report. Use the calendar tools beside the date fields to assist with the selection. Select the checkbox next to All Dates to view assignment activity for all available dates. |
Group By |
Select the radio button next to Learner to produce a report organized primarily by the Names of the Learners who have active or completed assignments. Select the radio button next to Competency to produce a report organized primarily by Competencies. |
Validation Status | Select the Validation status or statuses that you would like to determine which assignments are included in the report. Select All to view all active assignments for Learners, regardless of status. |
Validator | Select the name of a Validator from the drop down menu to show only the actions taken only by that Validator. Select or leave the selection at All to have the system disregard the Validator and display all. |