Test reports
Generate answer sheets for tests and various test result reports.

Display questions, answers, and answer key for tests.
Report options
Show correct answer on report | Check the box next to this option if you would like the report output to include indicators next to the correct answer for each question. |
Include Retired Questions | Check this box to include questions that are no longer in use on the report. If this box is unchecked, no retired questions will appear in the report. |
Course Groups | Select a course group the test is associated with from the drop down list. |
Locate | Select a data field in which to search from the first drop down list, a constraint from the second drop down list, and then type a value in the text box. |
Find | Click Find to locate the tests that match your search criteria. |

The Questions Answers and Results report provides a complete look at exams that have been given to Learners, along with the answers supplied and overall exam results. The report can be tailored to provide specific information for learners, question types, and exam dates, among other options.
Report options
Locate and Select a Test for this report | Use the Course Group, Course title or Locate filters and click Find to populate a list of tests in the right box that match the criteria. Select (highlight) the title of the test with which you would like to produce a report. |
Exam Options |
Select whether you would like to run a report for Post-Test or a Pre-Testfrom the Type drop down menu. Select whether the report should be run using All, the first attempts, the lowest score, or the highest score results from the second drop down, and select a date range within which the exams were taken. Show Correct Answers: Check the box next to Show correct answers, if you would like the report to indicate the correct answer for each question displayed. |
Questions and Responses Options |
Type: Select whether the report should show results for All, only Graded, or only Survey questions. Detail: Select whether the report should show Questions Only, Questions and Answers, or Questions, Answers and Results. Org/Depart Summary Statistics: Select this checkbox to include statistics reflecting Organizational and Departmental performance in your report. Select whether to Group statistics by Question or by Department Open Ended Questions: Select this check box to include answers to open-ended questions in your report. Choose whether to Group the answers by question or by department. Display Data Anonymously: Select this check box to hide all employee names and Identification Numbers on the report. |

The Print Exam report allows you to print specific exams for selected Learners. Options include the ability to select specific types of questions and print tests associated with a specific date.
Report options
Locate and Select a Test for this report | Use the Course Group, Course title or Locate filters and click Find to populate a list of tests in the right box that match the criteria. Select (highlight) the title of the test in the list that you would like to run the report on. |
Exam Options |
Select whether you would like to run a report for Post-Test or a Pre-Testfrom the Type drop down menu. Select whether the report should be run using All, the first attempts, the lowest score, or the highest score results from the second drop down, and select a date range within which the exams were taken. Show Correct Answers: Check the box next to Show correct answers, if you would like the report to indicate the correct answer for each question displayed. |
Select A Course | Select a course from the drop down list. |
Organizations | Select an organization from the drop down list. |
Departments | Select a department from the drop down list. |
People Groups | Select a people group from the drop down list. |
Job Titles | Select a job title from the drop down list. |
Locate | Select a data field in which to search from the first drop down list, a constraint from the second drop down list, and then type a value in the text box. |
Find | Click Find to locate the learners who match your search criteria. |

The Test Crosstab Report allows you to run reports on individual test for selected learners. The report is then displayed in a tabular format.
Report options
Locate and Select a Test for this Report | Use the filters on the Left (Course Group, Course, Locate) to populate a list of available test in the list box to the right. Select a test from the list by clicking on its title. |
Exam Options |
Identifier | Select an option from this section to be displayed in the report to identify the Learner(s) in the report. |
Open Ended Questions & Answer Key Options |
Select Open Ended Questions to display free-response questions in the report. These can be grouped either by question or by department. Select Display Data Anonymously to display responses without Learner names. Select Include Q&A Key to display a list of all the questions and answers associated with the selected test. |

Provides test question overview, exams taken overview, and question response details.
Report options
Course Groups | Choose a Course group from the drop down list to generate a list of tests associated with that course group. |
Course | Choose a Course from the drop down list to generate a list of tests associated with that course. |
Locate | Select a data field in which to search from the first drop down list, a constraint from the second drop down list, and then type a value in the text box. |
Find | Click Find to populate a list of tests that meet the criteria settings. |
Select test for Report | Highlight a test title in the list at the right to select it for the report. |
Exam Options | Select whether you would like to run a report for Post-Test or a Pre-Testfrom the Type drop down menu. Select whether the report should be run using All, the first attempts, the lowest score, or the highest score results from the second drop down, and select a date range within which the exams were taken. |
Limit Results to the following | From the drop down lists, make selections to limit the statistics shown in the report to a specific Organization, Department, People Group or Job Title. |

Display tests that contain selected questions.