Badge Scanner

Enable Handheld Scanner Import Select this check box to allow records to be imported into symplr Learning Administrator from a badge scanner.
Scanner Choose the scanner that you want to use with symplr Learning Administrator from the drop-down list.
Delimiting Specify the characters that delimit (separate) each record in the scanner. Type the delimiting character that precedes the record string into the Delimiter 1 field and the delimiting character that follows the record string into the Delimiter 2 field.
Parsing Choose the settings you want to use to parse (clean) the scanner's records upon import. Select the Remove alpha (A-Z) characters from Badge Number on Import to remove any alphabetic characters from the badge numbers. Specify the beginning and ending positions for the badge numbers.
Default Field Choose which field in symplr Learning Administrator will contain the badge numbers imported from the scanner.

Click Save to save your badge scanner preferences.

Click Cancel to revert to the preference settings in place before your edits were made.