Below is a list of general questions that may arise when working through eLearning courses. These are provided in conjunction with the specific course instruction materials found in this online help system.
Should you have additional questions or require further assistance, please contact your facility’s educational administrator.
You must complete all content in the course modules to complete a course. This includes viewing every page of the course introduction and lessons, passing each of the simulations, and obtaining a passing score on the course test. Passing scores vary from course to course, so be sure to check individual course instructions for specific requirements.
Additionally, you must complete the Course Evaluation from the homepage screen.
Make sure you are exiting the modules correctly. Click the module window’s close button to save your progress and exit. Clicking this button usually displays a message that reads, “Do you really want to exit this course?” Click the Yes button. If you do not click Yes, your progress IS NOT saved.
You should never change the Test settings or the content of any Test question. AACN has worked to ensure the Test, as setup, will provide the best evaluation of your nurse’s learning. This course is meant to be used with the Test settings and Test content delivered to you. Your license to this program prohibits you from making changes to it. If you believe the content of a Test question is inaccurate, please report that to symplr and we will evaluate it in partnership with AACN.
In most cases, if you exit the Test before completing it, your progress will not be saved and you'll need to re-take the entire exam from the beginning.
The only exception to this rule is in the Essentials of Critical Care Orientation (ECCO) 3.7 course modules, where your test progress is saved automatically. In these courses, if you close the exam when it is only partially completed, your progress is saved. Then, you are given the option to resume the exam from the last question you completed the next time you sign in.
Click on the course title in your To Do List (or in the myCourses widget) and then click the take test button. See the Taking the Test section of the course's instructions for more information.
Depending on the specific course, you must either re-open the course to obtain a copy of your certificate, or you may click on the certificate icon appearing next to the course in myCompletions. See the Printing the Certificate section of each specific course's instructions for further details.
If the learner has not completed the course, removing an enrolled learner from the course and/or re-enrolling the learner has no effect on the saved progress or test attempts. The learner will be asked to continue where he or she left off, if applicable.
Re-enroll yourself in the course, or ask your facility’s educational administrator to re-assign the course to you.