COVID-19 Ventilator Reskilling Course
The steps detailed in this document give instructions on how to access and complete the AHA’s COVID-19 Ventilator Reskilling course. The steps include accessing and completing the course, taking the assessment (quiz), completing a course survey, and printing the certificate.
This documentation displays screenshot examples from symplr Learning. Accessing the course from another learning management system may result in a slightly different experience, but the general steps are the same.

There are several navigational options and information display tools to interact with as you work through the course materials.
Page Navigation. Selecting Next or Previous (when available) enable you to display the next slide, or replay the previous slide. If there are sub-section numbers below the content, selecting a number displays that section's content.
Course Progression.The course progression bar at the top of the page shows the completion percentage you have attained, as well as estimates the amount of time left to finish the course.
User Panel. A User Panel can be expanded or hidden by selecting the Arrow icon in the upper-right corner. This panel contains two tabs displaying different content.
The History tab shows your current objective in addition to some performance metrics. Selecting a ? icon explains what each of the metrics signify.
The Table of Contents tab lays out every page contained in the lesson. Your current page is highlighted in red. Selecting another page displays it in the main viewing area.
Closed Captions. Text of the narration appears in the column on the left side of the page. Selecting HIDE TEXT removes it from the display.
When text is hidden, selecting SHOW TEXT restores it to the display.
Autoplay. Toggling Autoplay controls whether or not the Coach text is automatically read aloud to you when viewing a new page.
When Autoplay is set to Off, the Coach narration can still be played by selecting the Play button.
Menu. Clicking the Menu icon (
) in the upper-left corner provides a selection of learner options. Clicking an option from the list displays the selected feature. This menu selections include ways to return to the Dashboard page, view the Reference Library, or view overall progress on the Reports page.
Videos. Occasionally, slides contain a video that you must watch before you are allowed to proceed onward. Clicking the play icon plays the video embedded in the course window.
Exit Exercise. You must exit the course properly to ensure your progress is saved. Selecting Exit Exercise while viewing a course topic returns to the home page of the course. Upon clicking this button, the button text changes to Saving Data... and once the data has been saved, the window automatically closes. From here, you may close the two course windows to return to symplr Learning.
Resume Course. Clicking Resume from the course home page re-launches the selected topic from where you left off.

Upon launching the AHA COVID-19 Ventilator Reskilling course module, the course home page displays.
Clicking the Start button in the Course Topics section begins the course by displaying the Module Select page.
Upon selecting the module, the first page of the course material begins.
Proceed along the course by reading the slides, watching any videos, and following the instructions given throughout.
While progressing through the content, topic slides occasionally present you with review questions to help solidify your understanding of important concepts. When a review question is shown, read the instructions and choose your answers wisely. These review questions you must be answered correctly before moving to the next section.
Questions may be presented in multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank formats. In addition to selecting any answers, you also must provide your level of understanding of the question, as one of four possible options. Possible options include I know It, Think I Know It, Not Sure, and No Idea.
Choose or type the best answer(s), then select your level of understanding to answer a question.
After answering, the correct answer displays. If you answered incorrectly, make sure to study this answer before moving on to the next question.
You must pass all the questions in each section with both correct answers and an I Know It selection. If you answer incorrectly or with any level of uncertainty, you must try again as needed until you have achieved topic mastery. Upon completion, a congratulatory message displays. After viewing this message, selecting Exit Exercise in the upper-right corner returns to the course home page.

Once the AHA COVID-19 Ventilator Reskilling course is complete, its course evaluation is accessible. The course evaluation must be completed before you are able to obtain a certificate of completion. To complete the evaluation:

A completion certificate is available upon successful completion of the course.
Clicking Certificate from the course home page opens a new browser tab and displays your course attendance certificate as a PDF. It may also be printed from this screen, or saved to your machine and printed, like you would normally print a PDF file.
Once you have finished the course, saved, printed, and/or sent any certificates you needed to, you may close the course window. Upon returning to your Home page, you can see the completed course has been moved from the To Do List to the Completed List.