Below is a list of general questions that may arise when working through eLearning courses. These are provided in conjunction with the specific course instruction materials found in this online help system.
Should you have additional questions or require further assistance, please contact your facility’s educational administrator.
You must complete all content in the course module to complete a course. This includes viewing every page of the course introduction and lessons, completing each interactive segment, and completing your action plan.
Your progress saves from the first page of the section you're currently on. If you exit midway through a section, you will need to re-do any content after the most recent checkpoint.
Your completed action plan and a completion certificate each display after successfully completing the course, and you are given an opportunity to email copies of each document. If you need to view your certificate or action plan again, it is recommended you refer to the copies of your certificate and action plan that you emailed at the end of the course.
See the Reviewing Your Certificate and Action Plan section of the course instructions for further details.
Re-enroll yourself in the course, or ask your facility’s educational administrator to re-assign the course to you. Otherwise, the course content is not available for review after completing the course.