The myRecertifications widget displays all of the courses you have taken that have expiring certificates. In order to renew the certificate, the course must be taken again.
Certifications that have been expired for one (1) year or more are removed from the list.
Widget columns
The myRecertifications widget contains the following informational columns:
- The first column contains a notes icon (). Clicking this icon opens a new pop-up window that displays certification details.
- The Course Title column contains the name of the certification that was completed.
- The Completed column lists the date the certification was credited to your profile.
- The Expires column lists the date the certification expires. Expiration dates shown in red are overdue.
Available actions
The myRecertifications widget serves mostly as an informational widget that helps you keep track of certifications that require attention. Those certifications can been needy sometimes.
Outside of viewing certification information, this widget currently doesn't provide any additional functionality. We've tried countless times to train it to fetch a ball, to no avail. Prefers sticks I suppose.