Managing Reviews

The Facilitator of a 360 Review is responsible for managing the review cycle. This entails monitoring the status of the reviews for selected employees, reviewing feedback received, and ultimately completing the 360 Review task for everyone.

The 360 Management page, which can be reached by selecting the 360 Management task from the Tasks page, provides an area to manage this process. The table lists all of the employees selected to provide a review for the Subject and the status of their review.

There is also a graph that illustrates the status of the tasks sent to reviewers, sorted by columns for each Relationship Type for reviewers invited to participate (Direct Report, Peer, Supervisor, Self). If one of those relationships is not represented in the list of invited reviewers (i.e. no direct reports were invited to participate), that column is not displayed on the graph.

Each column is color coded to represent the status of each review (Declined, Complete, In Process, Not Started). Hovering over a column of the graph displays a pop-up with a count of reviews that fall into that category.

Note: Settings for the Management task allow the Reviewers table to be hidden. Facilitators will still know which employees were invited to participate in the review, but they are unable to see the names of the employees that have responded.