Determining Primary Position
Employees can be assigned to multiple positions in symplr Performance. When possible, it is important to indicate which position is the employee’s Primary Position.
Determining a Primary Position ensures that appraisal and task assignments are made for the correct position for employees. This eliminates the need for manual intervention to remove tasks that are assigned for secondary positions.
Additionally, setting a Primary Position ensures that data displayed in Performance Analytics is accurate. Performance Analytics provides deep insights into your organization's employee performance and potential, so it is important that these analytics are based on accurate position data.
An employee's Primary Position can be set manually from the User Maintenance page under the Admin area.
Locate the desired employee using the available filters, then click Load Employee.
Select the employee's primary position in the Position drop-down.
Check the Primary Position option under the drop-down.
Click Save.
The Primary Position for an employee can also be determined using the person_position feed file.
Adding a new column to the spreadsheet titled IsPrimaryPosition allows symplr Performance to automatically set the primary position for employees when imported. Use the values Y (for Yes, this is the employee's Primary Positon) or N (for No, this is not the employee's Primary Position) in this column.
Note: When updating employee positions using feeds, the feed file must include a header row containing the IsPrimaryPosition column. Files without a header row containing the IsPrimaryPosition column will not be processed correctly.