Completing Development Goals

Employees must complete development goal tasks assigned to them by managers.

These steps take place from the Tasks page under My Folder.

  1. Click the link for the desired development goal task in the Tasks table. This opens the Goal page for the task.
  2. Enter in any Status Comments about the goal. Click the Save Comment button to save comments.

    Note: Multiple comments can be added to goals. Employees can also add comments without completing the overall task by clicking the Save Comment button and not signing off on the task.

  3. Select a Status for the goal.
  4. Enter any additional Employee Comments as necessary.

  5. Click the Sign button.

Clicking the Sign button completes the task for the employee. The manager receives a new task to review and finalize the development goal task for the employee. If the manager feels additional work or explanation is required, they may opt to send the task back to the employee. Otherwise, the manager's sign-off officially completes the task.