Boolean Search

Boolean searches can be run from the Search Criteria pane on the Source page. Selecting the Boolean Search option from the drop-down menu adds a new field to the search pane that can be used to create a boolean search.

Supported boolean operators are shown in the following table.

Name Operator Description Example
Phrase " " Represents a phrase “team oriented” returns results that contain the phrase “team oriented”.
Not - Eliminates results that contain a specific term -nursing excludes results that have the word “nursing”.
And + Equals the traditional "and" function Emergency+Nurse returns results that have both “Emergency" and "Nurse”.
Near ~ Finds words that are located near each other “Emergency Nurse” ~ 5 returns results where Emergency and Nurse are shown within 5 words of each other.
Weight ^ Adds a weight to a specific term or group of terms Emergency^3 returns results that have “Emergency” with a high ranking weight. The default ranking is represented by “1”. A number higher than “1” increases the ranking, and a number lower than “1” decreases the ranking.
Multi-select () Allows using a single operator towards multiple terms +(Emergency Nurse) applies the “and” operator to both terms inside the brackets.
Or (no operator) Used to find results containing any of multiple keywords Emergency Nurse Anesthesia returns results that have all three terms.