Reference Assessment
The data contained on this page is similar to the information shown on the All Candidates page, although it lets you dig a bit deeper into candidates' data. In addition to showing which positions candidates are applying to, and when they were invited to provide references, the Reference Assessment page also displays the number of references added by each candidate.
In addition to the information on display, several actions may be conducted from here.
The following actions are available under the Bulk Actions drop-down menu. In order to execute these actions, they must be selected after checking the pick box next to the desired candidate(s).
- Select All and Clear All. Toggles the pick boxes for all candidates on the page to either be selected or deselected.
- Remind Selected Candidates. Sends a reminder email to all selected candidates, reminding them they are missing information and/or feedback needed to complete their reference assessment.
- Archived / Un-archive Selected Candidate. Toggles the Archive status of any selected candidates.
- Export Selected Candidates. Exports the details of any selected candidates to a .csv spreadsheet file, which downloads automatically for offline viewing.
The following types of reports are generated by the Reference Assessment system. To view them, follow the instructions outlined below.
Activity Report. The Activity Report displays a log of activity associated with the candidate. The report discloses whenever an action is conducted by a candidate, or an action occurs that "touches" their profile. Covered actions include candidate logins, viewing or sharing candidate reports by stakeholders, the candidate sending invitations to references, references logging in and/or completing assessments, changes in candidate hire status, and much more.
Every action carried out that affects the candidate will be displayed in this report, along with a time stamp of when each one occurred. This report is accessed via a link within the magnifying glass icon.
Manager Candidate Report.The Manager Candidate Report highlights every component of the Reference Assessment. The overview, custom questions and responses, key insights and much more are available for your analysis. To learn more about this report, please refer to the Candidate Reports page.
Additional details and more actions available to perform on the candidate can be found under the Actions menu on the right-hand side of the candidate's row.
These extra details include the Manager in charge of hiring the candidate, the completion status of any references added by the candidate, their hire status, and the last activity registered by the candidate. The Activity Report, showing all records of the candidate's login activity, is also available for viewing here. Learn more about this report in the Generating and Viewing Reports section of this page.
Additional actions may include the following:
- Force Completion. Labels the candidate's reference assessment as Complete, regardless of the current state of their references and assessment data.
- Release References. Removes the candidate's references from their application.
- Send Reminder. Sends an email to the candidate reminding them of any outstanding need for reference data and/or feedback.
- Edit. Displays the Edit Candidate page. Managers may edit the Requisition Number field, but are prevented from changing any preexisting required details.
- Archive. Toggles whether or not the candidate is archived.
- Delete. Deletes all record of this candidate's application and reference assessment. (Be careful here!)