Adding New Positions

The Add Positions page allows you to add positions to begin the reference assessment process. This is done by finding and selecting an existing job title, picking the desired location, then adding any custom questions as needed. Upon saving, any positions created here appear in the My Positions page.

Add a Position page

There are two different methods to add positions: Searching and Browsing. Searching allows you to freely search for a specific job title matching the role you need to add. Browsing presents you with a list of job categories, allowing you to pick and choose the desired category and title. Clicking a job category then displays any job titles associated with that category.

Whether searching or browsing, choosing a job title from the established list ensures the appropriate competency questions are assigned to the assessment. After choosing a job title, the Position Name field automatically populates with a name. You may revise this name, if needed.

Upon entering the position name and picking a location, the list of custom questions displays in the Custom Questions section. you can add as many as 30 custom reference questions (or none at all). When you're satisfied with how the position is looking, clicking Save and Create publishes the position.