Table Filters
The search results table on both the Requisitions and Applicants pages offer a filter feature allowing you to further refine search results.
Columns that can be used to filter results contain a small icon () indicating a filter is available. Clicking this icon displays a drop-down with the filter options.
The table filters allow you to filter against two sets of criteria in each column. This is why the filter contains two drop-down lists and text/date fields. When options are chosen in each filter option for a column, the system only returns results that match both of the filter criteria used.
When filtering on a date column, the two filter options allow you to set a date range to filter against (i.e. anything on or after Date X and before or on Date Y).
Using the available filters is a matter of setting the criteria you wish to filter against. Though the process is the same, there is a small difference when filtering on text fields versus date fields.
- Click the filter icon (
) in the table column you wish to filter on. The filter drop-down appears.
- Select a filter option from the first drop-down list.
- Enter the information to use as the filter in the text/date field.
- Click the Filter button.
Clicking the Filter button reloads the page and displays the filtered results in the table.