Reassigning an Applicant

When reviewing an applicant, you may find that they are a good fit for additional openings in your organization. symplr Recruiting allows you to quickly copy these applicants to existing requisitions in the system. While this process is similar to a transfer, it differs in that the application to the original requisition is retained, and not deleted or moved.

Reassigning an applicant copies over selected information from the current application to a new application for the other requisition.

These steps are taken from the Applicant Detail page.

  1. Select Reassign from the Take Action drop-down list. The Reassignment Options modal window opens.

  2. Complete the fields in the modal window as necessary.

  3. When finished entering necessary information in the Reassignment Options modal window, click OK.

After clicking OK, the page reloads and displays a message stating the applicant(s) has been successfully copied to the selected requisition(s). The applicant now has a record of applying to the selected requisition(s) in the system.