Requisition Status
Though the basic functionality of changing the status of a requisition remains the same, some of the available statuses themselves differ between the two versions of symplr Recruiting.
When creating a new requisition in symplr Recruiting, you have the option to save an unfinished requisition and complete it at a later date. In symplr Recruiting 10, the requisition is given a status of "Incomplete".
symplr Recruiting also allows you to save a requisition for completion at a later date. The only difference is the status used for that saved requisition - it is now given a more friendly status of "Draft".
symplr Recruiting provides a new status for requisitions: Active - Not Posted.
An "Active - Not Posted" status indicates that the requisition has been approved by all necessary users and is ready to be posted to a career site. Once the requisition is posted, the status is updated to "Active - Posted" to indicate it currently appears on a career site.
This "Active - Not Posted" status mirrors the "Approved" status in symplr Recruiting 10. They both mean the requisition is approved and ready for posting.