Search Management
The Search Management page lets you view, disable, and adjust the settings of any automatic candidate searches in the system. There are two main sections of this page:
- My Auto Searches. Lists your own saved auto searches, made by you for you, and are not shared with anybody else. This section displays by default. Auto Searches can be created and saved via the Search Criteria drop-down menu on the Source page.
- Company Auto Searches. Displays auto searches saved on the Source page that have been shared with you by others, or shared with others in your organization by you.
Display either page by selecting its title in the gray bar along the top of the page. Each auto-search listing highlights several pieces of data, along with options to edit or disable it.
In either section, selecting a search title displays the search results via the Source page. From here you can review and work with candidates as needed. A banner across the top of the page reminds you these results are from an Auto Search, and shares several details about the query.
A set of filters sits at the top of both list areas, and are used to view and sort the searches in different ways. These filters include:
- Owner. A drop-down list controlling the display of auto searches based on the creator of the search. Only displays on the Company Auto Searches page.
- Source DB. A drop-down list controlling the display of auto searches based on which site's database they are found on.
- Enabled / Disabled. A toggle switch controlling whether Enabled or Disabled searches display in the list view.
- Daily Credits / Last Run. A toggle switch controlling whether the searches display a simplified Daily Credits view, or includes a more detailed view including the approximate time the report was last run.