Leadership Assessment Concepts
There are some key Leadership Assessment concepts that you should familiarize yourself with to help you efficiently navigate and utilize the system. What follows are some quick explanations of the most important aspects of Leadership Assessment.
- Assessment Surveys. An assessment is a preliminary survey consisting of approximately 125 questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as a number of “story questions” that aim to measure a candidate's critical thinking abilities. Assessment responses are measured and scored according to 3 Job Fit Indices and 10 different skill competencies.
- Candidates. A candidate is a person who has expressed interest in an available position, possible promotion, or is trying to determine the optimal path to follow for professional development and skills enhancement. Candidates may consist of internal employees and/or external applicants.
- Credits. Depending on your organization’s service contract, Leadership Assessment may operate via a system of credits. Users may invite candidates to conduct surveys and assessments as much as they want, but generating a report may require a certain amount of credits to proceed.
- Leadership Assessment as a Candidate. Candidates use Leadership Assessment primarily to complete surveys.
- Leadership Assessment as a Hiring Manager or Recruiter. Recruiters and Hiring Managers have various management and evaluation utilities at their disposal. They can invite candidates to complete surveys, conduct interviews, run reports, and more.
- Interviews. Interview ratings are available for interviewers and hiring managers to enter during or after their interview discussions with a candidate. The interviewer’s individual scores are added, averaged, weighted, and given final values to help the interviewer and hiring manager make an informed, data-driven decision.
- Invitations. Invitations are sent to candidates to provide an easy, efficient way to complete their symplr Leadership Assessment survey.
- Job Families. A job family is a classification of work skills, personality traits, and competencies that Leadership Assessments are measured against. There are three Front Line Leader families, and five different Leader families.
- Reports. Reports are available after a candidate completes their Leadership Assessment survey. Scores and recommendations may vary depending on the selected job family and whether the assessment is intended to be a professional development aid or a measurement of the candidate’s ability to perform a particular job.